Step Snap 1 [Connect Remote Server Through VSCode]:

In some of the cases, we would need to access remote server through VScode to edit your code, which would be not easy to edit directly through vim or nano.

So, first step you can look through the six button (as far as now it is). Then you could write your any remote server such as AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean and etc, or local server (suppose you have a local machine at home)


After this step you could update your .ssh file, which is a file record all your remote connection records. Then refresh the refresh botton at the top, it would help to show the new ssh connection.


Continuously, you could click on the right arrow to load the workspace to a new window, there, you could start to choose your desiered folder, confirm trust it and start our coding.

Step Snap 2 [Docker Install Options]:

1. Modern Installation Method - Docker Desktop

The recommended and easiest way to get started with Docker is to install Docker Desktop, which includes:

Docker Desktop is available for:

To verify Docker Compose version after installation: